Energy for Alaska

Thanks to the existing production platforms, the Cook Inlet already has good infrastructure facilities.

As a matter of autonomy Deutsche Oel & Gas has installed its own production infrastructure. The company is ensuring the greatest possible amount of flexibility in order to take advantage of the best possible market conditions. The pipelines are therefore designed in such a way that they can transport both natural gas and crude oil.

The specifications and the construction of the existing pipeline were based on the results of the flow test carried out in July 2013 (KLU #3 well) that had shown much higher daily rates than expected.

The own onshore processing facility was constructed in the Nikiski region on the Kenai Peninsula, in close proximity to the existing pipeline distribution system. The natural gas, after being cleaned and dehydrated to the required pipeline specification, has been delivered there since November 2015. It is sold mainly to utilities in the Alaskan market, who are connected directly into the pipeline distribution network.